Top 5 SEO Trends to Carry Out in 2019 and Beyond

Posted by Maulik Patel

September 05, 2019

SEO 20 min read

Just when SEO experts start believing that they finally understood the pattern of targeted audience and search engines, a new technology, new algorithm update or even an entirely new user behavior emerge out of the blue to alter predictions and methods of SEO professionals.

It’s fine to reflect on the common historical patterns to design your next SEO strategy but turning a blind eye on new trends is a grave mistake. You may end up in the history loop instead of shaping the future of your brand.

To avoid it, here are Top 5 SEO trends to Carry Out in 2019 and Beyond. Learn them and then only build your SEO strategy for the year.

5 SEO Trends Going to Rule in 2019

1. Mobile-First Indexing

Simply, mobile-first indexing means that Google will use mobile-version of the page for ranking and indexing the website.That doesn’t mean the end of the desktop era. It still counts for rankings. But Google has added more things to the list, one of which is mobile-version of websites. For e.g., if you have a desktop site but lacking mobile-friendly version then your site is in the risk of negative rankings. Whereas a site, enriched with both desktop and mobile version, have more chances of saving Google’s first-page seat.Here’s a graphical presentation of how Google ranks a site based on mobile-first indexing:

Caution: Google is strictly against sites using m-dot with responsive features for the same page. M-dot is a site specifically built for mobile devices. And responsive sites are designed for both desk and mobile version. You can either choose to go for responsive or m-dot design. Using both confuses Google to recognize which site to crawl for search engines. Overall, if you haven’t yet adopted mobile-version, do it quickly before you complain about decreasing leads in 2019.

2. Speed Up Your Site and Page

SEO professionals often confuse page speed with site speed. Site speed is how quick your site loads throughout the users’ journey from click to conversion. Page speed is how speedily a specific page loads the entire content for users. Just because your site speed display positive result doesn’t mean that each of your pages loads faster.Previously, Google relied on optimization and technical parameters to rank your site. Now, it scores sites based on loading time of desktop as well as a mobile version of the site and of course, optimization. The less time your site and its page take, the better ranking it gets.

3. Brand’s Mention as a Ranking Signal

Don’t go crazy over link building when you learn that Google considers brand’s mention as a key ranking signal. Link building still is a good player but not the way it used to be. There are two ways Google takes your brand worth for ranking:

1. Google uses search algo to find unlinked brand’s mentions which help it analyze the brand’s authority in a particular sector. Places, where users mention your brand naturally like social media, comes under the analysis of Google’s search algo.

2. Everything relevant to your brand including sentiments, ratings, reviews, reputation, complain-solving, addressing pain points, trust, advertising, etc. states your brand’s value to Google.

In a nutshell, address the customers’ pain points and give them a solution too. Answer their queries. Engage with past customers and leave the habit of placing links everywhere. Placing links of your site everywhere won’t do any good or it may reverse the results. Offer links only where asked or in link building techniques.

4. New Search Engine – Amazon

Studies say that 56% of customers with shopping intention start with Amazon first. 51% land to Amazon after checking out products at others.

Data signals that Amazon is a new search engine of E-commerce landscape. If you want to sell something and if you are not listed on Amazon, you are losing the potential to reach 56% customers. Optimize your site and content for Amazon’s keyword research. Customers reviews and complaints will help you find the right set of words. You can use the same for content creation as well – an appealing idea. Stick with user-friendly titles and descriptions supported by images. Keep track of customers’ buying history.

5. Voice Search SEO

“OK Google, Remind me to buy eggs when I reach the store” “Alexa, play Chainsmoker song” “Siri set alarm for tomorrow morning at 6 a.m.” Do you know what is it? Voice Search Revolution It started with Google, then Siri and now the famous one Alexa. Previously, the voice assistant was no less than magic, but now, it is so common that folks chat with their smartphone on a daily basis. The day is not far when voice searches will cross the number of typed searches. Data says so:

It is now, it is here. The more people start using voice searches, the more voice search SEO become important for a brand. Don’t wait for the day when voice search overtakes typing and become a threat to your brand. Start integrating voice search SEO in your marketing strategies now. All you have to do is recognize how people search with the voice as compared to typing. There is a vast difference. Voice search has longer words and conversational tone as users will use their voice to search the same way they talk to humans. Their vocals are your keywords. Find these keywords and use them for your content as well as SEO strategy.

To Conclude

2019 is all about customers’ choice and experience. Personalization mixed with SEO trends will help you stay ahead of the curve.

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Survey: Amazon beats Google as starting point for product search


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