Is Facebook Serious about Search?

Posted by Sanket Patel

April 02, 2012

SMM 9 min read

According to BusinessWeek article, Facebook is planning a deep push into search. So, is it limited to enhancing search for website or it will be inclusive? It is also clear that Facebook wants better internal search. Currently at the top of the page, the search function is not that much important and useful. As per BusinessWeek, enhancing Facebook site search is one of the first objectives of an internal team that led by former Googler Lars Rasmussen.

In next few months, searching the social network can easily get lots of better. More than two dozen engineers of Facebook are working on an enhanced search engine and two dozen engineers are led by a former Google engineer named Lars Rasmussen. The main aim of them is to help users better sift through the volume of content which members create on the website like status updates and the articles, videos and many more information.

Increment of query volume by Better site search

Well, there is no question that enhanced search capability helps Facebook in various different ways. Through it, users got encouraged towards search activity. The better searched capability creates A PPC ad opportunity which is probably too lucrative for Facebook to ignore.

In search results, Facebook will also sell contextual or keyword bases PPC ads. May, there will be increase in the demand for such program. For website, it is very common that Facebook will be compelled to adopt.

May, Facebook not directly Challenge Google

It is not for sure that Facebook will seek to challenge Google directly in web search. One of the main reasons is that company’s relationship with Bing that prevents the move in the near term at least. The second genuine reason is that it will also take resource commitment from Facebook.

In the web search, Facebook doesn’t want to challenge Google directly. By enhancing search on the Facebook website comprising better layout and presentation of results will not be as hard as general web search. Users will also welcome and advertisers provide PPC opportunities.

Million of Revenue on the Table:

In the month of February, Facebook users performing 336 million search queries as per the BusinessWeek. If Facebook is fixing search that number will immediately go up and can translate into hundreds of millions of dollars in new manual revenue for the company. Local Search Usage Study that is recently released from ComScore, Localeze and agency 15 Miles, the data reflect that “use of social networking sites for local business searches has increased 67 percent since 2010.” With the help of better Facebook site search, the numbers of that can get bigger.


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