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Cracking the Google Algorithm

(A brief refresher on Google’s impactive algorithm updates before the release of new Penguin)

The major reason for Google’s dominance over the search engine market is how uniquely the original version of its algorithm functions. While many other search engines used an algorithm which was focused on keywords, Google’s own PageRank, tried to look at the links generated by humans. The basic idea was that if a site is being linked to by other high authoritative sites, they would be worth visiting. So, the key factor of Google’s search results has always been relevance and popularity.

Since its inception, Google’s algorithm has seen massive changes. Businesses over the world need to understand not only the algorithms that Google comes up with, but also why it is implementing the changes every now and then.

From Boston To Penguin…And Still Going On!

The first named update to Google’s algorithm was released in February 2003 and it was named Boston after it was announced in the city named the same. Although, Google had updated its algorithm earlier, this was notable because it was the first to be given a name. It was a combination of Google’s major index refreshes and algorithm updates.

Google didn’t stop here and continued with its update process resulting into the reshaping of many SEO strategies. On November, 2013 Google sent down an early chill down the spine with its Florida update which was disastrous for a large number of websites and turned SEO upside down.

Google continued its update process with Austin, Brandy, Allegra, Bourbon, Gilligan, Jagger, Big Daddy until Panda happened. This is the next in the list of Google’s destructive algorithms introduced on February, 2011. This update not only did target spammy links and sites, but also it threw away “thin” sites which were not very useful for the users and was low quality, containing scraped content. Google itself gave a number that 12% of search results had been impacted with this update.

The message was loud and clear to any business firm trying to strategize an online marketing campaign that Google was not only eliminating spam and black hat SEO, but the algorithms were also based on the usefulness of the site. Only those sites which showed some strength and quality will be awarded a place on Google. Rand Fishkin had stated that in the current scenario, where Google has been constantly changing its algorithms, it has become more important to focus on how you build the website in order to earn trust and authority. According to him, this was more important that anchor texts, keywords and links.

Comes next, Panda 2.5 where specific details of the changes are unknown however, there were some sites which had reported massive drop-down. The next major update meant to penalize over optimization was the Penguin announced on April 24, 2012. This was rolled out as “Webspam update” and later dubbed to Penguin. The impact affected an estimated 3.1% of queries.

The 20th Panda update which was a combination of algo and data rolled out and affected 2.4% of queries. Now the Panda updates were being named by their order and this was called the Panda #20. A slightly higher impact was experienced than the Panda # 21 and 22 when the latest Panda # 23 was introduced which affected 1.3 % of English queries.

The year 2013 until now has only seen 2 updates until March, the first being Panda #24 in January affecting 1.2% of search queries and #25 in March which was pre-announced and was suggested that Panda would integrate into a core algorithm.

What Google is up to now?

The latest announcement by Google’s search spam expert, Matt Cutts, indicates that Panda will become softer on those sites which do have some quality signals and will not be affected more.

There will be major changes in the Penguin updates and the message is clear to all the spammers and Black Hat users that they will not exist by the end of the summer. The new Penguin update is all set to scare the daylights off for many a stuffers, and duplicate content creators.

Let’s see what Google has in store for us!

Five effective points for making smart profile on Linkedin

As Linkdin is one of the top social networking sites, it offers bunch of benefits to setup your professional network online in an effective way.

Below are five vital things to look for to judge whether your LinkedIn Profile is providing the maximum impact:

Upload a professoinal picture:

This thing is self explanatory, but people are using surprisingly flowers, sunrise/sunset, animal and many more we can seen in linkedin profiles. Frankly, who puts a snap of their favourite animal on a professional networking platform? I think Linkedin is too used as online and offline as well.

If any networking event occurs then you can’t highlight or recognize with the sunset picture that will never happens. So upload a professional picture to all platforms where you are building your brands, whether it is Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook etc.

Connect with your contacts and your real friends:

It’s fun to see that there are so many people connect with the unknown people through their linkdin profile for build up their network. Connecting to thousand of strangers that wouldn’t help your linkdin profile.

Current scenario is “basically they don’t know them, but still they are in just in their network”. These kinds of people actually don’t provide any real value. So my advice is doing be one of them.

Keep your profile update & spam free:

Let’s take one example for this, John is hanging out with Jenny, and there is funky smell is coming out from somewhere. Jenny ask to john where is that smell coming from, john replys he hasn’t changed his clothes since last 4 days. Does this change interacting of jenny with John? Indeed! John devalued his appearance. Same concept applies in Linkedin. If you neglect your network profile, people will avoid and forget you. Keep updating your profile.

In linkdin and in our life, there are always bad apples. You will find some of the connection and contacts spam your inbox by sending marketing plans and other things. Ask them politely to rethink or stop the activity. They might be new or did the mistake. But if they are doing the same thing to abuse your connection, delete them. They are wasting your time just get rid of them.

Don’t sync Linkdin with facebook & twitter:

Linkdin is a professional network and does not use such like a facebook which seems a personal network. Same way does not integrate your twitter account with your linkedin connection. It means anything you tweet that will automatically posted on your linkdin profie status.

This is not good practise. Twitter you are using for the communicating, for queastion and answer, even making your plans for lunch & dinner etc. People on linkedin do not need this kind feeds on their network.

Invitations & Recommendations:

You can deal with the situation when unknown person send you the request for the connection. I suggest you instead of deleted it, make it archived. When connection is in archived mode, might you get a personal contact or connection after that. Likewise you can keep track of them.

About the recommendations, don’t get fast with this. There is not any minimum or maximum number of recommendations you must required. Every recommendations is not vital. You need only 2 recommendations for complete your linkedin profile. Make sure those are valuable recommendations, like you must know that person or ask to your best clients.

Social media provides great platform to get targeted audience towards your business. Linkedin is one of them and it is up to you how you optimize this in a better way.


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