What Changes Will SEO Witness In The Year 2015?

Posted by Bakul Sengal

December 11, 2014

SEO 16 min read

We are nearing the end of 2014 and SEO experts around the globe have begun to anticipate on what’s going to work and what’s not in the year 2015. If you know the SEO trends that are likely to work, there are more chances that your brand will gain a significant edge over your competitors.

Undoubtedly, existing trends play a huge role in determining the existing trends in online marketing to project the possible developments in the upcoming months. By staying abreast with these new developments, businesses could remain prepared about their social website and other content marketing strategies.


What SEO Changes can Businesses expect in 2015?

In the upcoming year, businesses will take some already known elements of SEO more seriously that were not widely implemented until 2014. The focus would be on relevancy more than ever and it will be more about relevancy optimization.

1) Semantic Search: This particular approach of helping search engines figures out what a page is about is slowly leaving keyword optimization in the dust. There are several variables used by search engines to  determine the context of a user’s search. In addition to just giving information on the web page, ensure that you are also helping search engines and the user understand what that particular webpage is meant to do for them.

2) Social Media Supremacy: Yes, it’s official. Social media links are considered as links by search engines, though they are considered as normal links and nothing more. If some sources are to be believed, social media will surpass SEO in the future. However, evidence shows that the most effective internet marketing campaigns are those that integrate both tactics.

3) Real-time analytics: Analytics is slated to be taken more seriously than ever. Not using analytics in your online marketing efforts will be like shooting a bullet in the dark, where you don’t know what your target is. This helps in planning and implementing better techniques before they go well below in the search engine rankings.

4) Businesses will witness increased competition: As more and more businesses understand the significance of SEO, the race to the top of search engine rankings will become more of a battle. By simply using a few optimization techniques, brands will not get an edge over their competitors. Consistent strategies are the need of the hour if you want your efforts to pay off.

5) Mobile will be more active than ever in overtaking web: Mobile web traffic is slated to increase as compared to the users of the web on PC as smartphone and tablets continue to revolutionize the way people communicate, and gather information.

6) Greater customization: As the time passes by and as the life gets busier, your prospects have less time to search for the right products. Thus, you as a brand need to target the pain points and at once strike the right chord with your audience. The content should serve the purpose of communicating your message and satisfy the needs of your prospects, all at the same time.

7) Higher importance of quality writing: Search engines are emphasizing on quality and relevant content more than ever. This serves the searchers with the content that they need to get their desired information. Your readers need high-quality and data dense material that adds value to their knowledge and your authority altogether. Not only does this attract more visitors on your site, it will also place your website on the top of search results.

8) Paid amplification: You are not alone in the race of developing compelling material for the audience to consume. Increased number of businesses in your niche, understand the importance of compelling content. It will become more important to advertise your content in order to bring it to the notice of the right kind of audience. However, it needs to be seen where this investment will yield a better ROI.

9) Pitch for sales softly: Consumers are more likely to get irritated if they are forcefully being subject to sales pitches when they are less interested. Let them consume some helpful content and decide for themselves whether they need your products and services or not. Businesses need to develop the craft of promoting themselves indirectly through their content. When you give valuable content to your readers, they will at once look upon to you as a credible brand they could bank on.

SEO is not a mathematical equation that would stay the same. Marketers need to constantly evolve with the emerging trends. Search engines are continually working to update their algorithms so that the users could get value. Users’ habits keep on evolving. SEO is set to change in numerous ways in 2015 which will be a good news for those who believe in providing valuable information for their audience.


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