Content Optimization: Search Engine Success Factors

Posted by Bhupinder Kaur Chhabra

September 15, 2016

Content Marketing 21 min read

Today, Content Marketing is the most effective marketing strategy which needs writing some thousand-words articles several times a week. Required that the Content produced is – masterpiece, in-depth, search engine optimized, user-centric, intensely visual and unleash it with the grace of the industry maven and the power of a market leader.

We all know Content is King and stays at the very first position in the SEO success factors. Promoting your content the right way, can establish a strong foundation to support all of your other SEO efforts.

Easy peasy…

If only…

For modern digital marketers, procuring an effective Content marketing strategy is no easy feat. Rather, it’s a challenging task, but there’s always a hope…

Building and promoting content effectively in a more holistic and goal-driven approach can prove to be the most effective and cost-effective way to market your products and services.

The rest of the article will highlight various Content & SEO success factors, showing how to optimize content to acquire more leads, increased sales and get your content read and shared by larger audiences in future:

Content Quality

Do you provide a reason for users to spend more time reading your web pages?

Does your content offer a real value, something substantial to visitors which is unique, useful and information they won’t find anywhere else.

Content Quality

To answer these questions, Boosting the quality of your content should be your #1 priority for excelling in your content and search engine marketing efforts.

How can you improve the usefulness of your content?

This requires getting deep insight into your target audiences and digging out the questions that they are really struggling with and eventually answering those questions directly with your content.

So, create a compelling copy, because, better quality will get better results….

Fresh & Relevant Content

A well-written content that doesn’t solve a problem or answer a question will not be greatly accepted by the users. And, if your material is able to efficiently move people from one stage to other, then it fulfills the user needs.

How to create fresh content?

The first thing is knowing which topic your audience is interested in so that you can better entice them with relevant content. Make sure you have a solid idea of the market you’re targeting, including pain points and motivations. Also, consider the content strategy, your competitors are implementing. This will help you create a better plan to succeed and outrank the competition.

Fresh and relevant content

Moreover, Google loves fresh content. The more frequently you update your websites with downloads, articles and new web pages, the more often a search engine will stop by to visit your website. This simply means – update your site often with high-quality content and the search engines will love you for it.

Obviously, this doesn’t mean you update your website on a daily schedule.

Yes, your site can take advantage of this freshness boost by producing relevant content that matches real-time pulse of your industry.

Educate, Don’t Sell

Today, there’s a tough competition on the Internet. Every other business is promoting wide content base and trying to beat the online competition.

No longer can we present our customers the sales messages and mediocre content, the customers don’t actually care about.

Relevant content drives more revenue, Creating unique and informative content draws the prospects and customers who want to engage with your brand.

So, focus on educating first and then sell…

Know Thy Niche

The ultimate goal of marketing your product or service is knowing the audience you’re creating the content for. Identifying and understanding your target audience is crucial for a successful content marketing campaign.

know your niche

Targeting your niche within a broader market is perhaps an important SEO factor. This requires discovering specific search terms(keywords), people are using and then, producing content that answers that query using those keywords.

Identify the keywords you want your page to be found for and use them naturally in your content. This way, you’ll be able to build a loyal, engaged customer base on the web.

Pro Tip: Remember, blasting your page with a ton of low quality articles stuffed with keywords can get you penalized, instead create quality content which provides useful information and has naturally placed keywords.

Search Optimized Content

Google ranks the good authority sites. In order for them to identify your site as one, you must produce a lot of useful and engaging content about your core topic.

Every content you produce should be relevant to your topic so that Google easily identifies the topic you have authority in. Your web pages will rank better as your website’s authority increases. And, in order to build a good website authority, you need to produce content optimized for Search.

Search Optimized Content

Assuming that, all your major SEO efforts begin after producing quality content, let’s have a 4-step insight to write a Search optimized content:

1. Identify the keywords you want your page to rank for
2. Optimize your title
3. Use keywords naturally in the content, don’t overdo it
4. Link the page to other relevant pages in your website

Final Step – Traditional SEO

Once you have identified your target audience, understood what interests them and produced quality content for your niche and started establishing your site’s authority, you can consider the traditional SEO factors now.

Legitimating the best SEO practices such as providing accurate keywords with anchor texts and headlines, linking the article to other relevant posts within your blog and properly tagging and categorizing your content can offer an additional value.

Today, SEO has changed a lot. The latest strategies that help you get the most bang for your buck is building your website’s authority and social connections.

If you follow these best practices in addition to providing unique, informative and quality content; will not only make this great content easy to find, it will enhance the user experience too. But, if you’re not creating awesome content, it’s essentially useless.

The bottom line is create and disseminate content that leads directly to greater growth and profits…

How do you implement SEO tactics when creating content for your business? You can share your experience in the comments below.


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