Reasons Why Your Content Is Not Consumed By Your Targeted Segment

Posted by Vikram Rathod

November 28, 2014

Content Marketing 17 min read

There have been numerous articles on writing digital marketing content that helps in conversions. However, less attention is given to the stage after publishing and knowing if the content is reaching the targeted audience segment and how well it is consumed by them. Although almost all content marketers know that distribution is the most crucial part of a content marketing strategy, most of them fail to implement a strong distribution plan for their content.

It is vital to have an effective distribution model just as it is important to have an epic content. This is how you bring more business. Thus, here is a distribution strategy refresher with critical steps to ensure that your content reaches the right places.

Optimize the content for search

This is the most crucial step. About a third of the traffic that a website receives comes from search. The principles of white-hat and proven SEO has to be applied to every piece of content. Identify your audience, what are they searching for, what terms do they use to get their answers? These are the data you should be pre-equipped with. You could certainly extend the reach by crafting very crisp headlines, taking care of on-page SEO and building a varied link portfolio. However, you will extend it all more when the content follows the best practices.

In addition to that, the content should be created keeping mobile in mind. The better the user experience, the more likely are customers to stick around on your site and take the message.

Tailor your efforts based on audience segmentation

Use your research for ideal customers to personalize your message. Are you tailoring the distribution? This approach is successful in getting better results. Existing customers could get exclusive information about an upcoming release, and leads could receive content that will directly take them towards purchasing.

Personalize the messages on the basis of the demographics, as this gets more attention and convinces the right segment of people to take the action. The more relevant they find your content, the more effective it will prove itself to be.

Develop relationships with branded publications and sites

Brand journalism uses good writing and storytelling techniques in order to create high-quality marketing messages.

When readers encounter your well-written content through publications and websites they start respecting you and they will learn more about your brand and begin to trust your expertise in your own niche. In order to build relationships, you could try writing guest posts for niche or industry sites. To develop relationships with other authoritative sites, write guest posts with a clear focus and relevance for niche related sites. These websites could have an open

contributor policy, an editorial scanning before letting the article go live. You need persistent and stronger writing for websites that allow contributors to own a columns on a case-by-case basis, however, these kind of website have more targeted, engaged, larger audiences as well as they are more authoritative.

You could also connect with journalists and other bloggers, with hopes that they will link to your content in their own articles. Sharing original research and creating an infographic for a subject on which they could write is a good example of this approach.

Pay to distribute your article

Paid distribution could work in various formats, including storytelling, videos, infographics and more. Outbrain is one such tool that enables you to get the content on major platforms as “suggested posts” that will appear below the content on the site. Sponsored articles and status updates are gaining more popularity lately. These are basically ads that allow you to leverage extensive data that websites and social networks collect.

Share your article with relevant communities

Your published content will get its audience where it’s most likely to be read. Thus share your content with relevant communities where interested people read it, and willingly share it among their own circles when they like it. For instance, if you are writing articles on inbound marketing, you are more likely to be inclined towards,, and other sites related to inbound marketing, in order to promote your content.

Reach out influencers in your niche

The concept is quite simple. You need to create content that leading personalities in your niche will find it potentially interesting. Think about what you are going to achieve by reaching out to the influencers. Once you have connected with the important people in your niche, strengthen the relationship by sharing the influencers’ content through various channels and commenting on their blog posts and also social updates. Focus on building and maintaining relationships rather than forgetting after a one-time transaction.

A successful content strategy, undoubtedly, begin with publishing an exceptional content. The strategic distribution of that content is the key to positive ROI. You could measure the impact through various metrics, however we recommend starting with Google Analytics.

Your distribution capabilities could be broadened by building relationships with the media, and understanding your target audience, and humanizing your content.


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