How to target Social Media for Link Building Campaign

Posted by Anal Bhatt

April 19, 2013

SEO 25 min read

Lately, there has been a lot of discussion in the SEO community about social media versus traditional link building methods. Successful SEOs will always require Social media links as a wave of SEO and receive quality and authority links from quality sources. “Link Building campaign” is essential for effective search engine optimization; when it’s done correctly, it will significantly improve a company’s search engine ranking on all of the major search engines. We can say that “Link Building is one of the most powerful tools that a specialist SEO company could implement”.

It is fact that social media is one of the best silver-stone resources for link building campaigns as we also receive positive stellar results for our site. Social sites give you a chance to make your network wide and build relationships with industry players and authorities. Someone who is aware of your activity on social media is going to be more receptive to a link request than someone receiving a random email from an outside source. Social media offers legitimate sources as an ideal way to find targeted industry users for a specific link building outreach campaign. But before starting to target people through Social media, you should identify whom you are trying to reach.

Social Media for Link Building - Blurbpoint


Identify your audience :

There are three main strategies for choosing your link building targets:

1) Thoughtful leaders: These are the players who are active; trustworthy people who rank well in your own industry, who can give your site a robust SEO.

2) Audience platforms: You should reach out to the targeted audience to larger platforms that can give your target demographics.

3) Organic shares: These are the people who have an amazing audience based on carefully sharing content with outside sources. You may find them for link building campaign, however, they have a very clear vision in finding high-quality links.


Develop your Own Identity :
If you really want to build links for outside resources, you will need to build a strong identity. It is the only way to reach out to many bloggers with your SEO Twitter account or else any other Social site. Your account should match the industry you are reaching out to. One more thing, if you want to build links for your own website then it is obvious you can use all your Social Media accounts instead of creating a separate persona. Make sure you are the primary source; the person to raise your voice for your link building efforts.


Utilize High-quality content :
For link building efforts you need to utilize high-quality content. You will get better results by promoting informative content like infographics, comprehensive case studies, etc. Whatever content you create, it should be highly original and should offer real value to your target audience. It affects a lot to increase your website ranking and drive more traffic as well.


Here, I have mentioned various methods for Social Networking and Bookmarking sites.

Twitter Directories & Search Tools To find applicable Users: Twitter is one of those platforms which helps to find and analyze relevant users through relevant keywords or hashtags.

Directories: Twitter directories such as Twellow and WeFolloware the easiest way to find relevant users. If you are searching for a relevant tag or user location Twellow also has “Twellowhood”, a Searchable map that helps to find Twitter users.

Search Tools: I found very useful sites like Listorious and Followerwonk which allows you to search Twitter Bios for desired keywords. They also let you know various Twitter user’s followers whom you could actually target and easily follow them in just one click.

Search Klout for Industry Influencers: Klout is the Standard for Influence which lets you easily search influencers by various categories. Many users are able to get in touch with their profiles to a variety of other accounts including their WordPress site through Klout. It is obvious that to access your site through search services, you should need a Klout account.

Search Delicious for consistent users: Delicious requires more scrutiny than Twitter or Klout. But, I can say that it is a unique way to find users who appear to be suspicious of sharing.

By tag: You need to Enter your keywords and you will get the most popular links through category or “tag “.

By site: You can use this tool like to find your site demographic data, alternatively, you can also enter in a competitor’s URL to see the users who are already bookmarked in the past. It is a useful tool to judge other websites rank well with your site traffic.

By Relevant article: Find or search that article that is relevant to your content on delicious and interact with all the users who’ve saved it.

My point of view is that most professional users will already have their profiles on these social networking sites. You can also earn a higher probability to find the users who enter in a unique description for the site you are bookmarking.


Identify categories for Guest posting on StumbleUpon
If you are tired to find the categories for Guest posting, enter the query like “write for us” on Google results. Stumbleupon is an excellent platform that offers many ways to discover new blogs. You just need to enter your targeted topic and you will get relevant stumble blogs in a matter of seconds. It is the best resource where you can also comment, network, and discover new ideas for content while you are stumbling.


Find Newsroom leaders on Digg
Digg has a beta feature called “Newsrooms”, which is really helpful to find the most influential topics and users by category. Digg represents its newsroom categories, so if your subject falls under it, then you can instantly browse through the newsrooms leaders.


Google+ for relevant users
As we all know Google+ plays a major role in Google search results. Find is a very useful G+ Directory. You can also search a site relevant to a category through the “” search term.


Search & Analyse Linkedin profiles
Linkedin is a strong networking powerhouse that contains advanced search features. You can find your searches on certain industries or groups as well. You can browse Linkedin’s important section “ Top Experts “ or “ Category Experts “you can also search applicable questions, Relevant groups that relate to your industry, and target relevant responders.


Guidelines Associated with Link Building Outreach Campaigns

1) Define Goal: Why do you interact with a specific person? Define your target exactly why you are reaching out to him.

2) Inform them how you found them: You should need to show your research to examine why you chose that particular target.

3) Be short and sweet: You should target very busy people – get to the point quickly.

4) Call them by name: It is obvious that your message got deleted very soon with a title like “ Dear Sir or Madam”. Take your time to research and learn your target’s name. It makes a huge difference and people will take it in a positive way.


These all methods will definitely help you to determine new and original ways to find targets; build your networks; build trust and also start to communicate with so many people through your serious efforts on social media.


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