A Step By Step Guide On How SEO Works For a Plumbing Business

Posted by Sanket Patel

April 05, 2019

SEO 29 min read

If you’re the owner of a small business, you know how crucial it is to obtain organic traffic. Organic traffic is the traffic that is derived when users come across your website through search engine. With the increase in competition, there is a number of small businesses emerging which makes it tricky to get the limelight. One thing that can be done to ensure that your business has a steady stream of organic visitors is to consider SEO services.

A lot of small businesses have shifted to SEO in order to improve their visibility online. In this new digital era, Plumbers generally Searches on Google “SEO for plumbers” to increase online presence. In this blog, we will be focusing on how SEO works for a plumbing business. We will take you through the entire journey so that you can get the gist of it in an understandable manner through this SEO Guide for Plumbers. Let us get started!

1. Start with Keyword Research

Any SEO campaign fails to be effective without proper keyword research. Google keyword planner is one great tool that will help in identifying the exact monthly search volume data for keywords. Yet another tool that can be used for the same purpose is KeywordTool.io which helps in generating ideas and acquire monthly keyword volumes for a particular keyword.

Talking about SEO for a plumbing business, relevant target keyword would be ‘ plumbers in (area)’ or ‘plumbing services in (area)’ and such similar ones. These keywords are used for targeting an audience that is in a particular location. Such keywords are more effective for your business if you provide plumbing services only in a particular area or city. This will help in attracting maximum local visitors.

Using research intent keywords will help in targeting visitors who might have just come across your services and have just began to become more aware of your business and services that you provide. Research intent keywords are generally ideal for optimizing a blog post. For example: if someone searches for “ where to get emergency plumbing services?” this keyword will be utilized in the blog that is created around this phrase. Such type of blogs should also have a call-to-action in the bottom of the page so that the user can be redirected to the target URL when they click on it.

2. Prioritize the Website Pages

As someone who owns a plumbing business, it is obvious that you will have many different pages on your website where each page is for a specific service. For example, you will have different pages for various plumbing services such as emergency plumbing services, plumbing in (city), water heater repair, sewer line repair etc. Each page of the website should be optimized in accordance with specific keywords or key phrase that is related to the services provided on each page. If your plumbing services are only available in one city then your focus should be more on the homepage as any user who clicks on your website will land on the homepage first.

Once the homepage has been targeted the next focus should be on the other pages like service page, blog, index, FAQ, about – this is how your customer base will be highly interested in visiting your website. Some of the common plumbing keywords that can be used are Emergency plumbing services, drain repair, clog removal, toilet repair, and more similar ones.

However, while trying SEO for plumbers it should be kept in mind that if your business serves in multiple areas then you should create separate location pages with target keywords with each area that is served.

3. Link the Internal Pages

It should be taken care that the website’s internal pages are linked with the main navigation page. This will make sure that the home page is interlinked with the secondary pages. It is also a good idea to include the location tab on the main page. If there is a drop down that displays internal links of all the separate location pages then it will be very beneficial if you have a multi-location business. It is always best to link blogs on the website. This is the most effective way to make sure that the keyword relevance is spread throughout the site. It should also be taken care of that no keywords are overused otherwise this can be seen as spam signals.

What Should Be Your Expected ROI?

The return of investment or the financial gain that you can expect from your SEO campaign purely depends upon how much amount you invested in the campaign. If you’re looking for realistic ROI then you need to consider the amount of money you’re investing in SEO as per the size of your business.

If your plumbing business has been in the market for years then your motto should be how to attract new clients and retain the existing ones. Along with this, your motto should also be to attract major industries such as real estate, commercial sites, water treatment plants and so on. Thus, the SEO campaign will be decided in accordance with this motto. However, if your business is new in the market then you need to set your brand goodwill in the market first, gain customer’s trust then your SEO campaign will be designed accordingly.

How Long Does the SEO Process Take?

SEO results can take anywhere between weeks to months in order to move up the rankings. The key to develop and maintain a credible online SEO profile is by maintaining the SERP and more importantly gain new leads and convert them into customers. SEO is a long term process but it takes time to showcase significant results.

Technical SEO and Plumbing Business: Understanding the Link

Technical SEO is all about machine-friendly data. This data is added to the HTML for a better understanding of the content of that page. This type of data helps in the understanding and analysis of particular elements of a webpage content such as phone numbers, reviews, and addresses. This will ultimately make your website page rank higher for location-specific searches.

Ensuring the effectiveness of SEO

1. Page Speed

Page speed is basically how quickly the webpage loads.this is a very crucial ranking factor on Google. There are various factors that affect how quickly your site loads. In case your website has large files, non-optimized CSS, JavaScript or slugging hosting then all these factors can hinder the loading speed of your site and hurt the search engine.

2. Build Backlinks

Backlinks are links that are obtained from other websites to your own website in order to attract more visitors. Backlinks that point to your site from trusted and authoritative websites will be one of the most significant factors for your website ranking. However, if your website has a “nofollow” attribute then it will be required to pass authority from other websites to your website.

Another way of increasing your SEO ranking is by acquiring more backlinks from relevant sites. This can be done by increasing your own site’s domain authority, which will ultimately make it more likely to improve your site’s ranking. However one must be sure to avoid backlinking too many sites as this might result in a low-quality website which will hinder the quality of your website.

Mobile-first is basically an index which is launched by Google which will order its rankings based on the mobile version of the webpage even for the listings that are shown to desktop users as well.

3. Local Search Optimize

Local SEO means optimizing your website in a way that it appears in the top of the local search results. This is one best way for marketing purpose as it will only attract the customers that live locally. For instance: when you search for ‘plumbing services near me’ the results will show only those plumbing companies that serve in your area. This way local customers in the USA can come across your business easily.


Google is also heavily focusing on providing search results with superior mobile experiences to its users which was recently created to test the mobile speed of web pages.

This makes it important for you to look at a number of site’s pages on a mobile device to ensure that they are mobile-friendly and loads quickly. Moreover, you can test your site’s pages to check if they are mobile friendly by visiting Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing Page. This test will help you to know your website’s pages that may be not compatible with certain mobile devices. So make sure to decide the SEO campaign that suits your requirement the best.


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