How To Woo Google With Your Affiliate Website?

Posted by Anant Patel

October 26, 2013

Internet Marketing 19 min read

Everyone in the online marketing industry has come across a number of affiliate websites. Some of them stand out, but a lot of them are just bad! This post will deal with what Google is looking out for in an affiliate website and the common mistakes which have resulted in drastic failures.

Many starters build the same kind of website that is pathetic. Some find great offers with a high affiliate payout. It could be any product ranging from satellite TV to ringtones. It doesn’t matter as long as the payout is there. But, these sites have many problems right off the bat.


This kind of approach creates problems as people want information from a website, something that helps them in solving a problem. Instead what we build is a website just to sell things. There is a strong need to create websites that people like to visit, which should have strong content. Provide engaging content to your audience, and the response to the affiliate links will automatically start generating.

Diversification of Revenue Streams

There should be more than one source of income from a website as not doing so has resulted in doomed companies. Having just Adsense as a source of income is extremely dangerous for a website. There could be other creative streams that could be added to a website. If there is a website on travel, you could have a “fresh” or “news” section to make the site lively. You could add ticket sales for the local events and concerts. Within some time you will see the sales counter ticking up.

Bad Link Policies

Link building is honestly one of those aspects of promoting a website that is difficult. While building a website, it’s hard to get other sites linking to you. As a result, we stop linking to other sites. This doesn’t work as it seems like a spoiled child, who isn’t playing anymore and is taking the toys back home. This attitude will create a website that looks like a dead-end for links. A website like this one looks very odd to Google. It is required to link to non-competitive, commercial sites. Do it openly, but only where it makes sense, looks natural and benefits the customer.

Build a Subscriber and Community Base

Experienced people in affiliate marketing will tell you that you should be building a source of traffic that is independent of Google. Engage in social media, build forums or build an email list. Though you may not be social or building community is not your cup of tea, this is what is required to stay in the online marketing industry.

Be Noteworthy and Press worthy

Do things that are worth mentioning in the press. Something that is remarkable. It’s not like you constantly have to strive to be outstanding, but you should not also be standing out(if you understand what I mean). Do things that look like press events. While doing it, do not think from the SEO’s perspective. Getting a link from a trading website is good, however, getting your domain for the product mentioned without a link is also good. Something is better than nothing. It’s good to be mentioned without a link, than not to be mentioned at all.

Fresh and Structured Data

If you see the current trend, it will be evident that Google is giving preference to fresh data. People assume that something that is written in the present is far better than something that is written 5 years back. The older websites do not get penalized, however, Google’s algorithms are designed in a way to give preference to newer and fresh pages. Taking this into account, it is vital to use XML and structured markup to help Google in knowing that your content was published/updated. This is the rule of Google. Make sure that you update the date. Structured data that appear in the form of rich snippets are quite enticing as well. Do all that you could to make your data appear in a microformat, making it easy for the visitors to read. Try taking the advantage of authorship markup and review markup.


While a lot of these points will make sense, it takes a lot of trial and error to reach a point where you could understand the importance of these points. Here are the takeaways:

* Build websites for the people, something that has information and helping to solve their problems.
Don’t just add affiliate links

* Sort out how you could have multiple revenue streams for your website. Don’t just depend on one
product or offer.

* Create websites that look natural. Don’t resort to bad linking practices.

* Build such a base for your website, that people look out directly for you and they don’t come from
search engines.

* Build a base of customers who look for you that don’t come from search engines

* Do press-worthy things. Do everything to look like a legitimate business and not an SEO.

* Keep the content updated, most importantly the key pages.

* Keep your content updated, especially the key important pages.

* Use microdata tags and XML to help Google in understanding your website

* Use XML and microdata tags to help Google understand the content of your website in a better way.

Give something to your audience, so that they would happily oblige to take your desired action. Remember, making them happy will actually help you in achieving your targets.


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