Instructographic : The Long Lost Sister Of Infographic

Posted by Hiren Vaghela

July 15, 2013

Inbound Marketing 16 min read

Lo and Behold…The branch of our beloved Infographic has arrived and how? As far as content marketing is concerned, I believe that Instructographic is slowly and steadily climbing up the popularity ladder. What with all the how-to guides and e-books being incorporated into one of the most comprehensive mediums which are so colourful and attractive?

Instructographics are becoming one popular method to explain complex data and make the whole consumption process rather easy for the audience. The clue is in the name itself. While Infographics gave out information in a graphical manner, Instructo-graphic is meant to give complex instructions on a particular matter. Let’s say you want to make banana pudding. Rather than going for a long text, wouldn’t it be preferable to see it graphically instructed with all the pics explaining the whole process? Sounds yummy, right!

This is just a simple example. However, creating an Infographic is a rather hard process that involves collecting volumes and volumes of data, statistics, and facts to build a whole narration and at the same time, ensuring that it has the right colours, pics, and other elements to create an appeal amongst your audience. Whew! Marketers have to spend hours researching the data in order to create comprehensive content.

The next part is of the graphic designer. A designer needs to compile all the researched data and information and make it not only attractive but also legible.

Then comes the main part and that is distributing your wonderful creation through the right channels. There are a number of infographic submission sites, in addition to Pinterest. Also, you could add the same to your other social media accounts. There are many blogs and article directories that are now allowing you to post your articles and posts along with the instructographic. So, let’s say that you want to give instructions on how to create an instructographic and you have written a post of around 800 words for the same. Your post will gain more value if it contains some graphical explanation of the same process as well.

Why Instructographic?

Well, looking at the following reasons, I believe that everyone would like to give a shot to Instructographics:

Appealing: Clever infographics are always successful in grabbing eye-balls.

Learning: More than 80% of learning is done visually.

Memorable: Why do we remember TV ads? Firstly because of the message, then the colours, message, shapes, and all those things to create an appeal. The same stands true for instructographics.

Sharable: Go viral with all the fantastic creations that you have made. Provide something that propels the audience to share

Value: It provides true value to the audience, making the whole learning process convenient for them.

Traffic: A relevant content when provided generates interest amongst your audience, bringing in streams of traffic to your website.

Brand Building: Instructographics is a great way to naturally increase brand awareness. It shows your authority and that you are a veteran in your field.

Some Great Infographic Creation Tools (which could be also used to create instructographic):

• Infoactive: Perhaps, the only tool which stands by its promise. Its unique features include interactivity and live data
Piktochart: It is a paid tool, which lets you drag and drop elements to create an infographic. It is currently in its beta. It is also a theme-based drag and drop infographic creation tool. It’s good because it is free. In addition to that, it is good because as of today it has helped in the creation of 956,002 infographics. It is simple; however, the features are power-packed.

My Favorite Picks

These ones are perhaps, the most comprehensive guide to various aspects of SEO:

The Advanced Guide to SEO from

Advance guide to seo

The Advanced Guide to Link Building from

Advanced Guide to Link Building

The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing again from

Advanced guide to content marketing

In addition to these, I found the following instructographic quite interesting for the steps of inbound marketing that it has to show
The Inbound Marketing Process from

Inbound Marketing Process

For the sheer reason that the information stays in people’s minds, is what makes instructographic a super hit with the marketers. Although a bit time-consuming, instructographics has the potential to offer better ROI in the near future. Many SEO service provider companies are moving towards instructographic inclusion for their clients.

Next time, when you feel to write something and the information and the data for the same is quite appealing, try creating an instructographic. Chances are that you will have a larger audience.


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