Google Algorithm testing to detect Scraper

Posted by Sanket Patel

September 03, 2011

Google 5 min read

As we all know that the quality content is much important for any website as it gives high traffic to your website. By Surfing on the web, we get lots of websites that have quality content which is essential for any website. On the web, the priority of panda content is extremely low as this type of content doesn’t have any uniqueness and informative information. There are lots of websites that copy the content and design of websites but from Google algorithm testing we can detect scraping.

Yet the process of testing is following a recent big fresh of Google’s spam submission process. For testing, Google has provided a form that has to be filled for detecting scrapers. Just have to fill in the details and you will get the result for your website. By this, you can easily detect scrapers algorithm testing form. Click Here

Recently, Google has announced that it is testing the algorithmic changes for scraper sites. Lots of companies can get help from this to detect scrapers. Still, Google Algorithms is in testing mode providing the beta version for checking our website status update for the scraping. Especially, this testing is designed to enhance the quality of search results and it comes after the months of iterations of Google’s Panda Update. Well, as we all know that there are lots of complaints about scrapers ranking over original content at that time.


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